Recently, presidential hopeful Mitt Romney found it hard to answer a question that asked, "Is abortion murder." There is a lot of concern over whether Romney is truly pro-life or not, and while I can't answer that question, I can say that he was absolutely right not to label abortion as murder.
I'm not speaking from a political point of view - where he just wants to get the most votes and doesn't want to alienate anyone. I'm not even speaking from a legal point of view - where abortion is legal and therefore cannot technically be considered murder. Plainly speaking, abortion is not murder. As the governor said, however, abortion is the taking of a human life.
The word "murder" does not quantify the death of the baby. Instead, the word "murder" accuses the person involved in the abortion. Therefore, saying that abortion is murder is calling women who have abortion "murderers." Being a murderer means that you have malice aforethought. Very rarely (if ever) would I say that women who get abortions have malice toward these babies. Sure, once in awhile you may come across a bitter woman with psychological issues who actively hates the child and wants it killed, but usually abortion is done as a last resort, hesitantly. It is not rejoiced over. Abortion is not murder in this case.
Abortion is the act of ending a human life. Abortion is not murder.
Wow, I must say that I am surprised.
The definition of murder is the ending of human life. Surely you can't deny that you are glad your mother gave birth to you? Well what about the silent, the innocent, unborn babies are still babies, they still have DNA, they still have brain waves, heart beats, and fingerprints.
To say that abortion is not murder is to say that a "fetus" as you would probably call it, is not really a human yet until it is born. But babies that are aborted DO feel pain, a woman's uterus is either shot with harmful chemicals to kill the child or the child is partially born- practically scrapped out of the womb.
Go to websites and look at those aborted creations, it's tragic that people like you with the power of your voice wouldn't use yours to defend those that don't.
Just because a woman doesn't want to be pregnant or doesn't have the means to care for a child, or doesn't want to carry so-and-so's baby doesn't mean she has no options left. There exist a multitude of shelters and adoption agencies for women not blessed with the ability to create life -but others take that life for granted.
Abortion is wrong and should be avoided. Please take my challenge and look at those pictures of aborted babies, take a second look at the silent murders that occur because women aren't well-enough informed. must not have read anything on this blog. Read through a few things on this blog before you assume that I do not hate abortion as much as you do.
Technically, the definition of murder is the unlawful killing of one human by another, especially with premeditated malice. I do not think that abortion falls under this heading. I've worked with too many women who reluctantly have an abortion because they feel there is no other option. See for more on this.
I don't need to see the pictures any more than I have. I've watched the movies, seen the images, etc. I understand just how tragic abortion is, but using emotion-laden imagery does nothing to persuade anyone not to have an abortion and just causes more of a divide.
I hope you will take a look around here and learn something about what it means to be pro-woman. Thanks for your comments though!
Spineless broads like you are the problem with the pro-life movement. Bob Enyart was correct when he said that the pro-life movement started to go south when groups put more women on their boards in response to the criticism of the pro-abort groups charge that "pro-life groups are headed by men".
Murder is murder. When we don't acknowledge that moms who have their baby's arms and legs and heads ripped off and thrown in the trash are in fact murdering an innocent human person, we give the message that its really not that big of a deal to have their baby aborted. We tell them that its not really murder, its something less than that. They need to hear the words "murder" and "murderer".
The groups who say "Whatever dicision you make we support you" are the worst groups out there. That is a vile response to the murder of innocent persons to say "If ya murder your baby or not we support you!"
Its extremely vile. It murder. All those who consider murdering their children need to think immediately that if they abort their baby that will make them a murderer.
This is EXTREMELY important in order to re-stigmatize abortion to the level it needs to be stigmatized.
Those who murder their children are to be given a fair and speed trial and upon conviction executed. That goes for children murdered outside of the womb as well as inside the womb.
Those who consider murdering their child need to have a GREATER fear of being executed in response to their crime then their fear about how they will take care of their child and get by living as a mother.
Gosh Zeke, distrust and hate women much. By stepping into the shoes of the women (and a larger number of post-abortion women are joining the pro-life movement), only then can we understand what drives women to choose abortion and provide the needed care and resources to prevent abortions. I dare you to look into the eyes of a sorrowful, regretting mother and tell her she is a murderer, I don't think you'll get very far.
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