
Minorities in the pro-life movement

This article discusses the lack of African-Americans and Hispanics in the pro-life movement. Reasons abound according to the story. These reasons include:
  • "...[minorities] simply didn't know the disproportionate numbers of African-Americans having abortions."
  • "...the pro-life movement is perceived as a white, Republican, conservative movement...And that group is on the wrong side of the civil rights movement."
  • "...the issue is just about the baby, and not about the person...It's like they're saying, 'I just want to save the baby and then kick you to the curb.'"
  • "...the issue is still a relatively low priority compared with other ills that plague their communities..."
  • "...the anti-abortion movement, unlike corporate America and government, has not made an effort to make sure that its membership is more ethnically diverse."

Hmmmm. I, for one, don't know an African-American that is involved in the pro-life movement. I do know a wonderful Hispanic woman...but only one. By and large, I know many, many white women (and a few white men) that are involved. I hadn't thought about this before. Perhaps because I'm white? I don't know...

The article sites the March for Life photos that showed "an image of thousands of earnest, enthusiastic and nearly all white protesters." Looking back at the pictures of the Marches, I do notice that there are a predominance of white people, but I do notice African-Americans and Hispanics too. And, despite what the article states about African-Americans being better represented in abortion-rights groups, ("Those are their natural political allies") I didn't see a predominance of African-Americans or Hispanics on the pro-choice side either. Wouldn't it be upsetting to hear someone say that you were "better represented in abortion-rights groups"? That would make me outraged...regardless of the movement. Talk about a race card. A race cannot be better represented by those that want to keep abortion legal. What is this person saying about minorities exactly? That minorities are dependant upon abortion and need pro-choice activists to act on their behalf? They're doing a great job, aren't they? Just ridiculous...

One of the sites showing photos mentions www.blackgenocide.org. (WARNING: Small icky picture alert.) The information there is wonderful (but horrendous). Unfortunately, they link their tactics to the Center for Bioethical Reform, so most likely, their message will not be received the way it could be. They do have some March photos as well. Are there other Black organizations that are trying to get their message out? I don't know...

As far as the pro-life group being perceived as a "white, conservative, Republican" group, is that true? Secondly, if it is true, does that matter? There are numerous groups that are not white, conservative, or Republican. If you were not "mainstream" pro-life, would that stop you from doing anything other than you are doing? I know it wouldn't stop me, and that's because it's about something bigger than party lines, color of skin, or litmus tests. It's about right and wrong and serving God. You can't stop someone that has a purpose, and if they don't feel they fit in the "mainstream" groups, they fit in somewhere else doing just as much good.

What about the pro-life worker who said:

"I think the movement as a whole is diluted because the issue is just about the baby, and not about the person," she said. "It's like they're saying, 'I just want to save the baby and then kick you to the curb.'"

Of course, that's one thing I'm all for changing, but is that the reason that minorities aren't involved? And I question anyone who later says in the interview:

"We're in a war. You're just trying to do what's in front of your face. I'm on the front line with a gun and I'm trying to protect babies."

How about the issue being not as important as other issues? That I might agree with. And not because other issues are more important than abortion, but because the African-American leaders are totally absent on the issue of abortion. African-American women make up 12 percent of the female population, they account for about one-third of all abortions, while Hispanic women, also 12 percent of the female population, make up about 20 percent of all abortions. Those statistics are huge! 1,452 black babies are aborted every day in the United States. 78% of Planned Parenthood clinics are in minority communities. This should be a HUGE issue to black leaders.

I would also agree to a certain extent that the pro-life movement has not targeted minorities to get involved. I say "to a certain extent" because again, I feel it is up to the individual to plug themselves in. I didn't wait for an invitation that read "Calling all white, conservative, Christian, Republican women...please head to your local pro-life center to get involved." Instead, I decided that I needed to do something, and I found a way to plug in. Perhaps minorities do not feel comfortable doing this? I can't imagine that's true, but...I don't know...

The part I found most interesting was at the end of the article:

And at the march Monday, the Rev. Luke Robertson had to argue fiercely with march organizer Nellie Gray that a presence by an African-American on the stage of featured speakers opposing abortion was important. Gray countered that it was irrelevant, but ultimately gave in, and Robertson, Hunter and a few other prominent African-Americans were allowed to speak.

But Gray still chafes at the incident. "March for Life does not look at people by race, color, creed, sex and so forth," said Gray, who has been with the march for all 33 years. "To say you have a group of people here, but you don't have blacks, I find that highly un-American. That is what I told Pastor Robertson. I don't do outreach because I think it's un-American."

Gray's position was naive at best, Ensor said. "If she's sincere, she hasn't thought it through enough," he said, "Anytime you do a public event, symbolism is important. That's why you have women on the platform and not just a bunch of Baptist ministers. Besides, they do target people. They have their own databases."

I wouldn't be for not letting the black leaders speak, but I guess I must be naive as well...it's an open tent. Everyone is welcome. That's what I saw in the pictures of the March...I saw African-Americans, Hispanics, and whites all pulling together. I can understand Nellie's point of view, because I just don't see it in "color" I guess, but then again, the Reverend has a point that symbolism is important. You wouldn't want a bunch of men up there because women would feel alienated and as if they were being told what to do. Is that the way minorities feel? I don't know...


I miss blogging...

Life is so busy. The last month has been insane. "Business" is booming, with many women discovering that they became pregnant at the New Year's Eve bash. Dealing primarily with abortion-minded women (versus women who want help with parenting), it's been a stressful time lately. The beginning of March will see another increase - a couple of weeks following Valentine's Day.

I've been following the blogs, and I miss being able to comment and post here regularly. So here is a quick summary of the things I would have liked to say, had I had the time.
  • The March for Life pictures were beautiful, and I am so encouraged to see so many young people out there! I hope that times are changing from the inside-out, without legal change. The brave souls from SNM were just beautiful, and I am so proud of all of them. It's also quite telling how different the two groups acted at the marches. Pro-lifers certainly came off as more respectful, calm, and gentle. That isn't always the case, I know, but in this case, pro-choicers really came off as full of rage and hatred.
  • Samuel Alito Jr. was voted into the Supreme Court. Wonderful, wonderful. :) Even though we will have miles to go should Roe ever go, it would be a place to start, and I'm happy that we have that chance now.
  • After Abortion has had some interesting conversations as of late, and I wanted to jump in so many times, but I just can't give the time to it that I'd like to. I'm glad to see the new posters there that are recently post-abortive and pro-choice (although sorry that they joined the group). It's so important to have open dialogue, since we can learn so much from eachother.
  • A study came out about abortion and depression in relation to miscarriage and depression, and I would have loved to go on and on about that, but I didn't have the time. :P In summary, it said that women who miscarried showed higher anxiety immediately following the abortion, while women who aborted showed higher anxiety in the years following their abortion.

That's about all I can think of for now. Back to work for me. Perhaps if I had a job where I could sit and blog, I'd be around more. ;) Until I get that lucky, I'll be around when I can. My apologies for not keeping up with this more often. Hopefully, "business" will calm down soon. Then again, I'm happy that I'm busy. It means that more women might make a choice that they'll be able to live with in the long-term.